I’ve got a Mesopotamian math teacher?
...How does Mesopotamia have an impact on us today? The Ancient Mesopotamians were a clever and inventive people. Today we still use many of their fascinating and yet practical inventions.
...The Mesopotamians had a hand in some of the common things we use today. The wheel is perhaps their most profound contribution to society. Every time we drive a car, push a cart or ride a bike, we give tribute to this ancient race. Sundials are another one of their achievements. In older times they were used to determine what time of day it was. Although now most people use modern clocks, some still ornament their gardens with a beautiful sundial.
...Some other spheres the Mesopotamians influenced were math and surgery. The Mesopotamians had advanced forms of math. Next time you sit down to do an algebraic equation, thank those Mesopotamians! When a surgeon does his job, he is using some of the same procedures used be Mesopotamian surgeons. These people were doing brain surgery long before we established our modern hospitals!
...Because of those intellectual people who lived so long ago, we have today so many wonderful tools and conveniences at our disposal. People rarely stop to think of how much the Mesopotamians influence us today. Think of them next time you ride in a car or do your math!
Building a time machine won’t get you out of schoolwork
...You are wrong if you think children who lived in Sumer several thousand years ago did not have schoolwork. Boys from wealthy families went to a scribe school. Here among other things, the school boys learned to write cuneiform. Today our alphabet has 26 letters, but in Sumer the alphabet had over 2000 symbols. It took a long time to learn how to write with a stylus on wet clay. Advanced math like Algebra and Geometry were also taught to the students, not to mention literature. Oh, did I mention Botany, or Anatomy? Kids have been doing schoolwork for thousands of years. The Sumerians were no exception.
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